Path of the Jedi: Star Wars meets Personal Development
Path of the Jedi is what happens when Star Wars meets Personal Development. Join us every Wednesday as we dive into themes, lessons, and insights from the Star Wars universe that will help you navigate the complexities of life here on our planet. Gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and how you relate to the world around you is after all the essence of being on the Path of the Jedi.
Path of the Jedi: Star Wars meets Personal Development
Andor Ep 1: Life isn’t Binary
On the surface it’s easy to look at Star Wars from a black and white perspective — good vs evil, light vs dark. But as we have discussed throughout the life of this show, there is so much more depth to the universe if we’re willing to take a closer look.
With just this first episode of Andor, I believe we’re going to see even more than any other Star Wars movie or show the very complexity and nuance of the mythology — that there is so much more to the conversation than black and white.